22 | PwC’s 21st CEO Survey Ehiit 11 Echoing the theme of the World Economic We live in an increasingly fractured world Forum this year, PwC’s 21st CEO Survey speaks to how companies are navigating an Q onsidering the following opposing political, economic, and trade trends, please select the one you believe the world is moving more towards increasingly fractured world. We asked CEOs Sin‘–lar seamless ecosystem –ltiple ˆra‘mente† ecosystem to consider a number of opposing political, economic, and trade trends and pick a side Co……on Œlobal belŠe˜s an 16% 82% šultŠle belŠe˜s an alue sste…s alue sste…s in terms of which way the world was moving SŠnŒle Œlobal rule o˜ (see Exhibit 11). The results are revealing. law an lŠbertŠes 17% 79% šultŠle rules o˜ law an lŠbertŠes SŠnŒle Œlobal …ar‡etlace 23% 73% ¡eŒŠonal traŠnŒ blocs PolŠtŠcal unŠons 28% 65% •atŠonalŠs… an eole natŠons šeasurŠnŒ roserŠt rŠ…arŠl 28% 66% šeasurŠnŒ roserŠt t‹rouŒ‹ t‹rouŒ‹ financŠal …easures …ultŠ˜acete …etrŠcs Econo…Šc unŠons an unŠfie 34% 6% šultŠle econo…Šc …oels econo…Šc …oels ¢ar…onŠsatŠon o˜ 41% 54% ™ncreasŠnŒ use o˜ taŽ co…etŠtŠon Œlobal taŽ rules Concentrate econo…Šc Œrowt‹ 46% 48% —Šesrea econo…Šc Œrowt‹ benefitŠnŒ ˜ewer eole benefitŠnŒ …ore eole Cororate ŠnteŒratŠon 76% 2% Cororate ˜raŒ…entatŠon Oen access to t‹e ™nternet 77% 2% ¡estrŠcte access to t‹e ™nternet Source: PwC, 21st Annual Global CEO Sure
21st CEO Survey - The Anxious Optimist in the Corner Office Page 21 Page 23