22 | PwC’s 21st CEO Survey Ehiit 11 Echoing the theme of the World Economic We live in an increasingly fractured world Forum this year, PwC’s 21st CEO Survey speaks to how companies are navigating an Q onsidering the following opposing political, economic, and trade trends, please select the one you believe the world is moving more towards increasingly fractured world. We asked CEOs Sin‘–lar seamless ecosystem –ltiple ˆra‘mente† ecosystem to consider a number of opposing political, economic, and trade trends and pick a side Co……on Œlobal belŠe˜s an 16% 82% šultŠle belŠe˜s an alue sste…s alue sste…s in terms of which way the world was moving SŠnŒle Œlobal rule o˜ (see Exhibit 11). The results are revealing. law an lŠbertŠes 17% 79% šultŠle rules o˜ law an lŠbertŠes SŠnŒle Œlobal …ar‡etlace 23% 73% ¡eŒŠonal traŠnŒ blocs PolŠtŠcal unŠons 28% 65% •atŠonalŠs… an eole natŠons šeasurŠnŒ roserŠt rŠ…arŠl 28% 66% šeasurŠnŒ roserŠt t‹rouŒ‹ t‹rouŒ‹ financŠal …easures …ultŠ˜acete …etrŠcs Econo…Šc unŠons an unŠfie 34% 6% šultŠle econo…Šc …oels econo…Šc …oels ¢ar…onŠsatŠon o˜ 41% 54% ™ncreasŠnŒ use o˜ taŽ co…etŠtŠon Œlobal taŽ rules Concentrate econo…Šc Œrowt‹ 46% 48% —Šesrea econo…Šc Œrowt‹ benefitŠnŒ ˜ewer eole benefitŠnŒ …ore eole Cororate ŠnteŒratŠon 76% 2% Cororate ˜raŒ…entatŠon Oen access to t‹e ™nternet 77% 2% ¡estrŠcte access to t‹e ™nternet Source: PwC, 21st Annual Global CEO Sure

21st CEO Survey - The Anxious Optimist in the Corner Office - Page 22 21st CEO Survey - The Anxious Optimist in the Corner Office Page 21 Page 23