4 | PwC’s 21st CEO Survey Why are CEOs around the world so Ehiit 1 optimistic? And why doesn’t their global good cheer translate into equivalent A majority of CEOs believe global economic growth will ‘improve’ exuberance regarding their own over the next 12 months organisation’s growth prospects? This year saw the highest-ever jump to the Q Do you believe global economic growth will improve, stay the same, or decline over the next 12 months? highest-ever level of CEO optimism regarding 57% Improve global growth prospects over the next 12 53% months (see Exhibit 1). For the first time 52% 48% 49% 49% since we began asking the question in 2012, 44% 44% the majority of CEOs surveyed believe global economic growth will ‘improve’. In fact, the 34% 37% 36% Stay the same percentage of CEOs predicting ‘improved’ 29% growth doubled from last year. This record 28% 27% level of optimism holds fast across every 23% region from North America (defined as the 18% 17% 17% US and Canada for this survey) and Latin 15% America to Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), Africa, the Middle 7% 5% Decline East, and Asia-Pacific (see Exhibit 2). 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: PwC, 21st Annual Global CEO Sure ase: All resonents 2018 1,23€ 2017 1,37€ 2016 1,40€ 2015 1,322€ 2014 1,344€ 2013 1,330€ 2012 1,258‚ƒ Please note: „ro… 2012†2014 resonents were as‡e ‘‰o ou belŠee t‹e Œlobal econo… wŠll Š…roe, sta t‹e sa…e, or eclŠne oer t‹e neŽt 12 …ont‹s‘’
21st CEO Survey - The Anxious Optimist in the Corner Office Page 3 Page 5