Our call to action: four steps to take Taken together, the three key themes emerging from our research point to four actions to boost the number of women working in technology. These are: 1 2 The technology industry could play a And this engagement needs to happen at a much As well as awareness, we need to greater role in educating students about earlier age, before students decide which subjects they increase access to technology careers technology and how it’s shaping the will take for GCSE. More interaction with technology Greater awareness of the technology industry and world we live in companies at school level will benefit both females the opportunities available is not enough unless all It’s clear from our research that students don’t and males and help to grow the pipeline of technology students feel that a career in technology is within have enough information about what working in talent that we need in the UK. The key is to ensure their reach. There needs to be a collective effort technology involves. that technology is presented to girls as a potential from the technology industry to create alternative career choice by people in positions of influence: today entry routes into the profession. Approaches might The technology industry could work with the it’s hardly even mentioned to them as a possibility. include increasing the availability of apprenticeships education system to develop technology teaching There is a real opportunity for the industry and in technology, technology companies partnering modules that can be delivered in schools by teachers education sector to work together to help build the with universities and offering shadowing and work or via virtual reality. These should be designed to technology skills the UK will need to prosper in the experience opportunities at younger ages. educate students on the emerging technology that future. Educating and inspiring all students about is reshaping our working and personal lives. It is technology careers at a much younger age will help important these modules particularly highlight how to future-proof young people with the skills needed technology can be a force for good, which should and help to build a rich talent pipeline. This will help inspire more females to take an interest in help ensure that no-one is left behind by the Fourth the subjects. Industrial Revolution. 11 PwC

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