3 4 You can’t be what you can’t see: The Help women to reach their full potential importance of visible role models at in the industry all levels We need to make sure that the technology sector To get more females interested in technology as a provides an attractive and inclusive working viable career option we need to give them access to environment and that people are able to reach more role models at all levels. We need to shout louder their full potential. So as well as attracting more about the role models already working in tech and females into the sector, we need to make sure that work harder to promote more women to top positions they can progress once they’re working there. in the industry so that they become more visible. This requires a dedicated focus. Technology organisations could set themselves gender targets and a programme of initiatives to support women to advance to more senior positions. This could include reverse mentoring, return to work schemes to get women into technology roles following career breaks and sponsorship programmes for high performing females. Women in Tech – Time to close the gender gap 12

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